Rates & Fees

Loan Rates

New Vehicle Loans 6.25%
Used Vehicle Loans 7.25%
New Recreational Loans 7.25%
Used Recreational Loans 8.25%
Personal Loans 9.9%
Refinanced Education Loans 4.20%
Refinanced Education Loans
        (with payroll deduction)
Share Secured Loans 3.50%
Line of Credit Loans 11.00%

Savings Rates

Share Accounts* .55%
Club Accounts .55%

* minimum deposit of $100.00 to earn interest

Certificate Rates

18 month certificates                                                                         0.9%
24 month certificates                                                                         1.0% 
30 month certificates                                                                         1.1% 

15 month certificate special                                                               2.0% 
15 month certificate special w/new money                                        2.1% 

  18 month certificate special                                                                3.25% 

 12 month certificate special                                                                 3.80% 

Fee Schedule

New Member Fee $1.00
Stop Payment Fee $20.00
Loan Payment Late Fee (after 30 days) $15.00
Loan Refinancing Fee $25.00
Dormant Account Fee (after 30 days) $1.00 per month

Griffith Institute Employees Federal Credit Union

  Contact Us

64 East Main Street
Suite 3
Springville, NY 14141

Phone: 716-592-9887

  Our Hours

Tuesday:12 pm to 4:00 pm
Wednesday:12 pm to 4:00 pm
Friday:12 pm to 4:00 pm

Email: creditunion@springvillefcu.org